KASCOE thanks you for being a member. We realize that you have a choice, and we appreciate you choosing to be a part of KASCOE and standing up to be heard. If you are not a member, we respectfully ask that you choose to join us. To find out more about what your membership does for you, please read out membership brochure by clicking here!

Regular Membership

To become a KASCOE member, please download and complete the KASCOE Membership form.  

If you wish to have membership dues withdrawn from your paycheck, please complete the FSA-444.

Please send membership application and/or questions and comments to:

Breeann Fink
745 Vilymaca St
Elkhart, KS 67950

Associate Membership

To become a KASCOE Associate member, please download and complete the KASCOE Associate Membership form.

Annual Dues:
Associate Members - $35.00

Please send associate membership application to:

Katy Chapman
KASCOE Associate Member Liason
410 Peter Pan Rd
Indenpendence, KS 67301